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Housing Justice Series

What is Housing Justice?

To kick off the Housing Justice Series at a new location in Willimantic, Partnership for Strong Communities Policy Director Sean Ghio will define housing justice and provide an overview of the housing landscape in Connecticut. Lunch will be provided. The series is designed to engage students and community members to explore the intersection of housing and social justice.

Ghio will describe his work at the Partnership for Strong Communities, which examines how housing insecurity affects families across Connecticut. Since the organization began in 1998, the Partnership has focused on strategies to prevent and end homelessness and improve housing affordability and stability in Connecticut.


  • Sean Ghio Policy Director

    Partnership for Strong Communities

In 2024, the series began as a partnership between the Center for Housing Equity and Opportunity Eastern Connecticut (CHEO) and the Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy at Connecticut College. In 2025, CHEO is partnering with Eastern Connecticut State University to bring the events to Willimantic. 

Past programs have included ‘Housing Justice and Education,’ ‘Housing Justice and Healthcare,’ ‘Housing Justice and the Economy.’ Subject matter experts and practitioners participate in a moderated discussion and a Q&A session with audience members.

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Hosted in partnership with

  • Eastern Connecticut State University

    Eastern CT State University engages students from diverse backgrounds in a transformative, liberal arts learning experience that provides knowledge and skills to lead enriching, purposeful lives.