Testimony in Support of H.B. 6889 An Act Concerning Evictions for Cause
Representative Felipe, Senator Marx, and members of the Housing Committee:
My name is David Rich. I am the President & CEO of The Housing Collective, a non-profit organization based in Bridgeport. We provide backbone support for the homelessness emergency response system in western Connecticut and respond to the affordable housing crisis in Fairfield County, Litchfield County and Eastern Connecticut. I am also a resident of Salsbury, CT.
I support H.B. 6889 An Act Concerning Evictions for Cause.
I watched Connecticut drive down homelessness year after year until 2020. We even ended veteran homelessness, for a time. Since 2020, however, homelessness has increased year after year, rising 13% last year alone, and the response system is straining under the weight. Why? Among other reasons, Connecticut does not have nearly enough housing that is affordable, and it is the worst state in America for renters, according to a 2024 Consumer Affairs study. Thousands of families and individuals are one missed paycheck, or one emergency away from losing their home and falling into homelessness.
Without spending one cent, the state can help keep people in their homes by providing tenants with Just Cause eviction protections, as outlined in this legislation. Just Cause, simply put, means that a landlord cannot evict someone for no reason (they must have a “just cause”). A bank cannot kick a homeowner out for no reason, so why are landlords in Connecticut allowed to force renters from their homes without cause?
What if instead of being one of the worst states for renters, Connecticut was one of the best? Connecticut could be a place where all residents have peace of mind and a sense of belonging in their communities. Our residents could and should have income left over after rent to pay for groceries, transportation, childcare and healthcare. This bill will provide the peace of mind and security that we all deserve by establishing modest, baseline protections for the approximately 31% of residents in Connecticut who rent their homes. It is a reasonable policy response to our state’s housing crisis.
Connecticut has had Just Cause protections in place for over 40 years protecting people over 62 years old and those with a disability. Why would we not extend those protections to everyone in our state and protect Connecticut’s young people and families from losing their homes for no reason? H.B. 6889 would extend those protections to everyone, regardless of age or disability. Five states and over two dozen cities have universal Just Cause protections. Studies of places that have had Just Cause policies for more than a decade show a statistically significant drop in displacement, in turn, increasing housing stability.
Additionally, we encourage the committee to strongly consider including in this bill protections for renters who live in buildings with five or fewer units. Thousands of renters in these smaller buildings need security and peace of mind in their homes as much as anyone else. Connecticut should be a place where all residents can rest easy without the fear that they might wake up to a notice to pack their bags and leave. With the housing crisis that our state has on its hands, keeping renters in their homes should be one of our top priorities.
Thank you for the opportunity to present this testimony.